Sunday, June 15, 2008

My pilgrimadge west... preface

It's raining today. First time in a month (thank the goddess!). Housesitters are lined up. The cat is acting very strange. I guess he knows something is up. He will barely let me touch him. He is going to stay here with the housesitters. First time I haven't taken him with me in the summer. He gets carsick so I have to drug him, bites any vet that boards him, and throws litter around any person's house that we stay with. I give up.

I'll be starting out Tuesday morning... My grandfather (who really raised me) is ill and so I'll be heading out on the big trek west to MO. I was planning to go anyway, but my trip will be a little different now. It's complicated, but I sort of dread parts of it (more juicy stories about that later). I plan to take many side trips once I stay in MO for a while. Who knows, I may be coming to your door...

I'm bringing: the boat, my backpack, a tent, my guitar, ipod (although I think I'm going to get one of those iTouch things and I just got Jakob Dylan's new album - woweee), computer with book chapters that need to be finished (sigh), a million books to read, and my savings account to pay for gas :-).

I am looking very forward to my first stop, Gallatin/Nashvegas TN. I will be happy to see all my old friends there... Sushi at Koto's, art at the Frist, and who knows what else! Stay tuned for each new chapter...