Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pilgrimadge West ... Chapter 2

Well, I got here on Saturday night. I stopped and ate a tuna sandwich in Van Buren and stuck my feet in the river. It was beautiful. Gas ranged from 3.99 in NC to 3.63 in Springfield, MO. The river in my hometown is almost the highest I've ever seen it and very muddy. I don't know if kayaking will be safe or not on the creeks. I plan to head to Van Buren to kayak the Current and hang with my friend, Liz, after the 4th. Maybe I'll get out on the creek before I go.

My Grandpa is much better, thank all the gods and goddesses! He is back to being ornery. He'll stay in the nursing home until the infection is gone though.

I am sitting at the pool at my Grandma's trying to work on the book I'm writing. It's too hot to sit and write.

Did I ever mention the "prodigal child" to any of you? A psychologist friend of mine told me that the prodigal child is a child that is sort of encouraged/urged/forced by the family to go away and become "something," then when they return home, they should fix everything. Interesting.... I would say that prodigal child probably pisses everyone off when s/he tries to do that even though that is what the family thought they wanted in the first place. Sigh....

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