Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lord God will it ever rain?

Today is reseed the backyard day. Yesterday Jacob mowed (with my $25 lawn mower - what a deal) the 3 blades of grass that are alive, I raked where the dog (previous owner's) had dug out a hole under the gate, and spent $220 at Lowe's buying a shovel (it is a great shovel)...along with a weed eater, hose, plants, grass seed, etc. So in a few weeks, we hope we'll see lovely little grass shoots. Note the before pictures.

School is still great. People are lovely, just a little wilted.


Bob Hollis said...

After two months, the weather here finally broke. Three inches yesterday and today. Of course that's all we'll see for at least the next two weeks.

ViciousHillbilly said...

STILL NO RAIN!!!! I"m watering. I'm ethically against watering.