Sunday, July 29, 2007

The lawn...

What the hellfire do you do with sand? Not that I'm ready to do anything, but... My backyard is a travesty (thank you Big Lebowski). I do have a gorgeous hydrangia in the back. Redoing the backyard will come this fall after the boxes are unpacked.


Anonymous said...

Most use either Centipede, Burmuda or St. Augustine grass. Not sure which is the most drought tolerent. If you already have some grass...weed and feed formulated for the type of grass you have along with lots of water will help. Some weed and feeds consider the above types of grasses weeds.

Take Care!

ViciousHillbilly said...

Thank you CM. You about ready to float?

Anonymous said...

Yep .... As CCR says ...I built me a raft and it's ready for floatin' Oh Blackwater!

Take Care!

Laura Black said...

Sand? What about a giant, life-size Japenese Zen garden?

ViciousHillbilly said...

Well, there's not THAT much sand...

Bob Hollis said...

Apply enough heat and you can have a really big glass parking lot.

ViciousHillbilly said...

Bob, Bob, Bob...whatareya a comedian or something? :-)

ViciousHillbilly said...

Bob, Bob, Bob...whatareya a comedian or something? :-)

Anonymous said...

Maybe avoid grass altogether -- no more mowing!

Shrubs and herbs, and maybe even lantana. Ours is thriving in this drought, surviving on nothing more than dog pee and clothes dryer vapor.
