Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lord God will it ever rain?

Today is reseed the backyard day. Yesterday Jacob mowed (with my $25 lawn mower - what a deal) the 3 blades of grass that are alive, I raked where the dog (previous owner's) had dug out a hole under the gate, and spent $220 at Lowe's buying a shovel (it is a great shovel)...along with a weed eater, hose, plants, grass seed, etc. So in a few weeks, we hope we'll see lovely little grass shoots. Note the before pictures.

School is still great. People are lovely, just a little wilted.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The conclusion I've come to...

I hate to teach Speech Com. No offense to my beloved ex-colleagues. I think it's my personal weakness. I am so non linear and it seems all speech comm depts. want some kind of linear measurement of how well they are doing. Maybe I should say, adminstrators want some sort of linear measurement device for a non linear art. I can't even follow the instructions for this particular request to evaluate my students beyond how I evaluate them already?

Theatre is my bag. I'm enjoying it here.